作者简介:陆慧玲,扬州大学文学院讲师(扬州 225002)
Abstract: In identifying and defining elements of intangible cultural heritage (ICH) based on folk legends, there has been a notable tension between the “threefold listing mechanism” under the Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage (the 2003 Convention) and China’s National Inventory of Representative Elements of Intangible Cultural Heritage. While the former clearly emphasizes the intergenerational transmission of storytelling in process but provides few examples, the latter potentially focuses on “production-oriented” representation but has accumulated numerous cases. To ensure the viability of ICH elements, safeguarding practices at the national level can benefit from the experience and lessons learned through the international cooperation mechanisms established under the 2003 Convention; prioritizing the “safeguarding-in-process" approach has become essential to promote further international recognition and understanding. In doing so, safeguarding the cultural meanings and social functions in oral traditions should be taken as a baseline action, and the contemporary practice of storytelling traditions should be put forward as the weight of safeguarding ICH elements related to prose narratives in folk literature. Such efforts will contribute to raising the awareness of all stakeholders concerned and the general public about ICH safeguarding and its importance.
Key words: oral tradition; folk legends; intangible cultural heritage elements; storytelling tradition; safeguarding-in-process
About the author: LU Huiling, Lecturer at College of Liberal Arts, Yangzhou University (Yangzhou 225002)
文章来源:中国民俗学网 【本文责编:李中彦】