
上一篇 / 下一篇  2011-11-26 11:43:38 / 个人分类:视觉人类学


1993. Feminist Ethnographic Films: Critical Viewing Required. RollwagenJack R., ed. Anthropological Film and Video in the 1990s: Case Studie sin Documentary Filmmaking and Videomaking. P177-210. Volume 1. Brockport, NY: The Institute Press.

WilkKelly Askew Richard R. 

2002. The Anthropology of Media (a reader) Blackwell Publishers. .

Worth, Sol, and John Adair.

1970. Navajo Filmmakers. American Anthropologist. 72,no. 1: 9-33.

1972. Through Navajo Eyes: An Exploration in Film Communication and Anthropology. Bloomington: Indiana University Press.

Worth, Sol, John Adair and Richard Chalfen.

1997. Through Navajo Eyes: An Exploration in Film Communication and Anthropology. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press.

TAG: 参考文献 人类学 视觉 影视





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