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Chao Gejin: Oral Epic Traditions in China

上一篇 / 下一篇  2011-11-18 22:03:23 / 个人分类:外语角

Special Events

Oral Epic Traditions in China:
Diversity, Dynamics, and Decline of Living Heritage

Dr. Chao Gejin
Institute for Ethnic Literatures, Director
Chinese Academy of Social Sciences

On October 10, 2011, Dr. Chao Gejin conducted a seminar entitled Oral Epic Traditions in China: Diversity, Dynamics, and Decline of Living Heritage. The live webcast was viewed by members in thirteen countries around the world. The archived video is provided for those who were unable to view the seminar live.

[Watch the live seminar at:  http://issot.org/events]


I'm having difficulty viewing the seminar video. Alternatives:

Streaming Video

Qt-smThese archived video streams are distributed using QuickTime technology. If needed, please install QuickTime 7, a free download from Apple, at http://www.apple.com/quicktime/download.

You may be experiencing degraded performance due to network bandwidth constraints. Even normally fast internet connections can suffer due to network congestion. In this case, you might try to watch a stream designed for a slower connection. Clicking one of the following links should open the video stream in the QuickTime Player application.


However, your computer may have the real time streaming protocol (rtsp) mapped to another application. In this case launch the QuickTime Player application and open the video stream by selecting Open URL… or Open Location… from the File menu. Here are the addresses to use for copy and paste.


Non-Streaming Video

Since lower bandwidth video files provide progressively smaller frame. sizes and frame. rates, you might prefer to view the seminar video in a non-streaming format. Keep in mind that the trade-off is a longer wait time before the video begins playing.

The following links provide access to non-streaming video files viewable in the QuickTime Player application or in your web browser with the QuickTime Plugin. This plugin is installed as part of the QuickTime 7 installation.


If you should experience any difficulty please email details to help@issot.org.

Source: http://issot.org/events


TAG: 史诗传统 文化多样性 中国史诗





:loveliness: :handshake :victory: :funk: :time: :kiss: :call: :hug: :lol :'( :Q :L ;P :$ :P :o :@ :D :( :)

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