
上一篇 / 下一篇  2009-02-08 15:07:41 / 图片数(19)


California Indian Baskets


Californian Indians 


American Indian peoples originally living in and around present-day California. Of the many Californian groups, most were composed of independent territorial and political units that were smaller than the average groupings of other North American Indians. Food varied with the region inhabited (coastal peoples fished, desert peoples hunted and practiced marginal agriculture, etc.), as did style. of housing. Shamanism was common to all groups, and magic was used in attempts to control events or transform. reality (e.g., heal illness or increase the harvest). Goods and foodstuffs were distributed through reciprocal trade between kin and through “trade fairs”; professional traders linked coastal peoples with peoples of Arizona and New Mexico. Californian Indians had a renowned oral literature, and Californian basketwork is considered exquisite. See also Modoc, Northwest Coast Indians, Pomo, shaman, Yuman.



American Indian Baskets

Basket-weaving is one of the oldest known Native American crafts--there are ancient Indian baskets from the Southwest that have been identified by archaeologists as nearly 8000 years old. As with most Native American art, there were originally multiple distinct basketry traditions in North America. Different tribes used different materials, weaving techniques, basket shapes, and characteristic patterns. Northeast Indian baskets, for example, are traditionally made out of pounded ash splints or braided sweetgrass. Cherokee and other Southeast Indian baskets are traditionally from bundled pine needles or rivercane wicker. Southwestern Indians make baskets from tightly coiled sumac or willow wood, and Northwest Coast Indians typically weave with cedar bark, swamp grass, and spruce root. Northern Indian tribes like the Ojibwe and Dene craft birchbark baskets, and the Inuit even make whale baleen baskets (though this is a more recent tradition than the American Indian ones). As native people were displaced from their traditional lands and lifestyles, their traditional tribal basketweaving styles started to change somewhat as they adapted to new materials and absorbed the customs of new neighbors, and in places like Oklahoma where many tribes were interred together, fusion styles of basketweaving arose. However, unlike some traditional native crafts, the original diversity of Native American basket styles is still very much evident today.

If you are looking to buy baskets that were actually made by Native Americans--either because it's important to you to have the real thing or because you want to support native people with your purchase--then here is our list of American Indian artists whose basketry is available for sale online. If you have a website of native baskets to add to this list, let us know We gladly advertise any individual native artist or native-owned art store here free of charge, provided that all baskets were made by tribally recognized American Indian, Inuit, or First Nations artists.

Thank you for your interest in Native American art!



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TAG: 编蓝 加州 手工艺

张春学民俗 引用 删除 zhangchun   /   2009-02-18 14:34:57
Silver的小屋 引用 删除 silver   /   2009-02-08 23:07:51
中国民俗学网编委会工作组 引用 删除 cfs   /   2009-02-08 16:07:45




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