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A successful dialogue between the East-west mythologists

上一篇 / 下一篇  2011-07-21 00:23:27 / 个人分类:外语角

A well-planned kickoff sets the tone for a successful dialogue between the East-west mythologists
——International Forum on Kunlun Myths and Creation Myths around the World held in Xining


 Reported by Aga  | Photos taken by Ye Tao | Source from CFN  | 2011-07-20

At the Opening Ceremony

Mr. Jidi Majia, a well-known poet, who acts as the Director of the Propaganda Department of
the CPC Qinghai Provincial Committee, is delivering a keynote speech at the Opening Ceremony

Prof. Chao Gejin, the President of China Folklore Society and the Director of IEL of CASS,
is delivering a keynote speech at the Opening Ceremony

Prof. Mineke Schipper from the Leiden University is giving a presentation at the general session

Prof. Mineke Schipper is presenting a book to Prof. Zhong Zongfu, the Vice President of
China Folklore Society and the Director of the Qinghai Academy of Social Sciences

At the panel

The International Forum on Kunlun Myths and Creation Myths around the World is held between the 17th and the 22th of July 2011, in Xining, Qinghai, China. This forum is organized jointly by China Folklore Society (CFS) and Qinghai Academy of Social Sciences, co-sponsored by the Propaganda Department of the CPC Qinghai Provincial Committee, the People’s Government of Germu City and the People’s Government of Huangyuan County.

The main objectives of this ongoing forum are as follows: (1) to facilitate the international discourses on studies of Kunlun myths and creation myths of the world; (2) to further the cultural interpretations on and to probe into the profound meanings of Creation Myths in perspectives from the East-west scholarship in the 21st century; and (3) to advance the expertise in the long-standing culture of Kunlun myths, and to promote researches on mythology, Kunlun culture, regional culture, and cultures of the world.

Jidi Majia, the well-known poet, who acts as the Director of the Propaganda Department of the CPC Qinghai Provincial Committee, along with Prof. Chao Gejin, the President of China Folklore Society and the Director of IEL of CASS, delivered their keynote speeches at the Opening Ceremony. There are about 130 scholars, graduate students and cultural workers attended the conference.  More than 60 of scholars and folklorists from Malaysia, India, Thailand, Mongolia, Japan, the United States, the Netherlands, Hungary, Estonia, Russia, and the Chinese mainland and Taiwan took part in the discourse between the East-west mythologists, including international, regional and national experts who have achieved remarkable academic accomplishments in mythological studies.  John Mcdowell (USA), Mineke Schipper (the Netherlands), Almut-Barbara Renger (Germany), Munkhbayar Baatarjav (Mongolia), Desmondl·Kharmaw phlang (India), Suchitra·Chongstitvatana (Thailand), Mihali Hoppal (Hungary), Gregory Schrempp (USA), Madis Arukask (Estonia), Yutaka Suga (Japan), Kyoim Yun (USA), Shi Chuangang (USA), Jian Tao (Germany), Wang Chenfa (Malasia), Lu Yilu (Taipei), Shi Aidong, Liu Yonghong, Tang Duoxian, Yang Lihui, An Deming, Xu Ganli, Chen Zhiqin, Song Jinlan, and Yu Liangcai made their presentations at the general session.

Prof. Liu Kuili (the Honorary President of CFS), Prof. Ye Tao (the Vice President and the Secretary-General of CFS) and Zhao Zongfu (the Vice President of CFS and the President of Qinghai Academy of Social Sciences) also attended the Conference.

After the conference, most of participants paid a field trip to Zongjiagou Village, where is believed as the ‘hometown’ of Xi Wang Mu, the supreme Goddess in Kunlun myths.

For more Chinese information concerning the Forum please go to the CFN at:



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