Halvor Eifring主编《印度教、佛教和道教的静修:文化史》

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  Halvor Eifring (ed.), "Hindu, Buddhist and Daoist Meditation: Cultural Histories", Hermes Academic Publishing.

  Large waves of global interest in meditation over the last half century have all focused on techniques stemming from Hinduism, Buddhism and Daoism. This collection of essays explores selected topics from the historical traditions underlying such practices. The book ventures far beyond the well-known Hindu repetition of sounds, Buddhist attention to breath and body, and Daoist movement of limbs and bodily energies. A picture emerges of meditative traditions that are much richer and more diverse than our modern viewpoint typically acknowledges. Many of the practices are also shown to be of greater cultural relevance than commonly recognized.

  Contents 目录

  The Uses of Attention: Elements of Meditative Practice ● Halvor Eifring and Are Holen

  Can There Be a Cultural History of Meditation? With Special Reference to India ● Johannes Bronkhorst

  Words for “Meditation” in Classical Yoga and Early Buddhism ● Jens Braarvig

  “Creative Contemplation” (Bhāvanā) in the Vijñāna Bhairava Tantra ● Bettina Bäumer ‘Sharada’

  The First Absorption (Dhyāna) in Early Indian Buddhism: A Study of Source Material from the Madhyama-āgama ● Bhikkhu Anālayo

  Vipassanā in Burma: Self-government and the Ledi Ānāpāna Tradition ● Gustaaf Houtman

  Contemplation of the Repulsive: Bones and Skulls as Objects of Meditation ● Bart Dessein

  Red Snakes and Angry Queen Mothers: Hallucinations and Epiphanies in Medieval Daoist Meditation ● Stephen Eskildsen

  Daoist Clepsydra-Meditation: Late Medieval Quánzhēn Monasticism and Communal Meditation ● Louis Komjathy

      主编Halvor Eifring为奥斯陆大学汉学教授




TAG: collection interest meditation techniques




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  • 访问量: 239394
  • 日志数: 148
  • 图片数: 24
  • 文件数: 44
  • 书签数: 3
  • 建立时间: 2009-06-02
  • 更新时间: 2015-01-28


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